Vastu Shashtra is a Vedic science that helps creating a bliss-fullness within us and in the environment surrounding us. Balanced state of vastu creates positive environment and imbalanced state leads to various challenges in life. Balanced state can be achieved by balancing the five elements or panchtatvas of our body and environment we live in. Five elements are water, air, space, fire and earth. These five elements are the base of our human body and everything that is surrounds us. Each element has its own functionality inside our body and its own direction in our surroundings or dwelling.
Panchtatvas and their directions:
Air – East, represents social associations and general happiness in life Any Imbalance occurs in East e.g. space element comes in East it can make connections go sour or efforts towards general happiness in life get wasted.
Fire – South, represents motivation and energy in life that has capability to transform actions into financial growth Imbalance in south like presence of earth element can lead to block payments.
Earth – South West, represents stability in life. Imbalance in the South West e.g. presence of fire element in this zone can affect the relationships and skill to earn money
Space – West, represents expansion and enhancement in life that comes from acceptance of knowledge and openness to learning If any imbalance occurs in the West e.g. presence of air element can turn investment into losses.